San Saba’s First Baptist Church has many opportunities to connect with other believers as we reach the world for Christ. Missions are woven into the DNA fabric of our church. We take seriously the command of Jesus to be witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). At San Saba’s First Baptist Church we know that we are called to reach people for Christ. Consequently, we strive to make a kingdom impact in our local community of San Saba, in our great state and nation, and to take the message of Christ around the globe. 

Family Mission Trip

June 22-27, 2023

San Saba’s First Baptist Church is excited to partner with Arabic Church of Milwaukee and Pastor Issa Safadi in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Pastor Issa is planting an Arabic Church with the goal of reaching the Muslim population of Milwaukee with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

You and your family are invited to come alongside Pastor Issa and help with outreach into the Milwaukee Muslim community by joining other SSFBC families on our 2023 Family Mission Trip. This will be a very family-oriented mission trip with children of all ages welcome to come with their parents. Of course, singles, couples, retirees, and anyone else is welcome as well!

More info coming soon!